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How To Ensure Sign Up On Your Squeeze Page

June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021

Squeeze pages are an important part of both B2C and B2B marketing. They are there to target a traffic niche and increase sign ups to free trials, newsletters, product demonstrations, webinars and even paid services. A lot of work often goes into making the best squeeze pages and there are a lot of tips and tricks to learn in order to make your squeeze pages convert more traffic. We’ve pulled together some of those existing tips and added some of our own so that you have a fairly thorough guide for the next squeeze page you create.

A few general rules to stick to

Whether it’s content, a free trial or a paid service that they are signing up for, you should only be asking for the information which you need. Yes, a squeeze page for a piece of content is a great way to grow your mailing list but if the content isn’t going to be sent by email, why are you asking for it? Having to handover tonnes of information for a piece of content or an initial sign up will make people wary of completing your sign up form. Even if they are signing up for a full product, don’t ask for all of the information at once. Ask for the basic details just to get them to sign up and you can get the rest later.

In the same way that you shouldn’t ask for tonnes of information, don’t provide tonnes of information on your squeeze page. Having a mountain of content means that visitors simply won’t read it. Your squeeze page should be to the point with bite size paragraphs. And if your squeeze page is for a piece of content, the content should be bite size too. For example, if you’re providing a lesson via your content consider splitting it into separate emails. It makes it easier for the person signing up and there’s a higher chance of them actually reading the emails.

Turn your CTAs into GTPs (give-the-payoff). Your sign up button shouldn’t say what the person signing up has to do but what they will get. For example don’t say “Submit” but “Start my free trial”. It clarifies the message of the page and what the lead will be getting by entering their details and clicking through.

Tips for increasing form completion

As I’ve already mentioned, you shouldn’t be asking for information which you don’t need. Or information which a potential could be wary about handing over. Typically, asking for a phone number will lose you 5% of potential conversions.

This also links to another important part of increasing form completions. Don’t have too many fields. Reducing form fields is a known method of increasing conversion on forms and squeeze pages. Having only 3 fields compared to 6+ for instance can increase conversions by 25%. This infographic from QuickSprout outlines a number of other things to think about when optimising the form on your squeeze page.

Make sure they have the information they need

So you don’t want to overload your squeeze page with too much information but what if someone does want more statistics or a more detailed list of the features you’re offering (before signing up)? Providing links to detailed pages is all well and good until visitors follow that link and then never come back to sign up. You want to be keeping squeeze page traffic on your squeeze page. Enter live chat.

With live chat there are a variety of ways to provide further information to those which need it. For starters you can simply have live chat agents ready and waiting for a visitor to click the chat window and ask for more information. We call this reactive live chat. Or you can be proactive and pre-empt when a visitor is wanting further information before signing up. You can send a proactive invite to chat once a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on your squeeze page for example. Or you can trigger a proactive when a visitor reaches the bottom of your page i.e. your sign up form (see GIF below right).

Live chat agents can then answer any questions a visitor may have. Questions could be regarding the benefits of signing up, how you are going to use their information or pretty much anything else related to the campaign. This way visitors stay on the squeeze page, get the extra information and already begin to build a relationship with a representative of your company.

example of scroll triggered live chat

We can provide live chat across your site or just for a particular campaign.

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