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How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI

June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021

Sixty percent of consumers are more likely to buy from companies that create custom content. It’s no surprise then that creating valuable content for lead generation and conversion purposes is a must. We generate plenty of leads and convert lots of traffic for our clients, but there are a few things that live chat can’t necessarily do all on its own. Generating relevant traffic to your website for example or nurturing potential buyers with insightful information. Yes, our live chat conversations do nurture potential customers but sometimes a little more in-depth knowledge about your product and industry needs to be conveyed through your content writing.

The more traffic coming to a website and the more that has already been nurtured, the more we can convert that traffic. Content is a valuable asset for our clients and other B2B/B2C companies then, but deciding how much to invest in content marketing is a tricky decision. The returns for content marketing aren’t always immediately apparent. And how do you know which form of content works best?

This infographic from Captora explains some of the nitty gritty of content marketing and content marketing ROI. The graphic includes why companies need content marketing, how marketers are organizing their goals for content marketing, what content is proving to have the best ROI, what metrics marketers are currently tracking, and more! Check it out below:

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